Preston Golf Course is a Beautiful and Friendly
9 Hole Course on Rolling Hills in Southeastern Minnesota.

Please call ahead for a tee time and to reserve carts.
Clubhouse 507-765-4485 | Manager Jay H. 507-459-5397



Recent News

Course Update
March 27, 2025

The course and clubhouse will be open today and tomorrow at noon. After that the weather doesn’t look great so the clubhouse probably won’t be open next week. Everything is weather dependent this early in the spring.

The clubhouse is about 75% completed. So feel free to stop by and check it out. The updates look great! IB will be there if anyone wants to pay dues. We have a limited supply of beverages etc. for the next two days, but we do have some, just fyi.

Download the 2025 Dues Sheet here. There are also paper copies already printed in the clubhouse. The prices remain basically the same. The exceptions are the cart shed rental went back to its normal price after a one year increase to help pay for new doors. The price of an out-of-town membership went up $50 and the price of a yearly cart rental went up by $75.

The 2025 calendar is available to download here. There are still a few adjustments to be made. But people have been asking about various tournaments so I attached the rough draft. A reminder that the Kingsland golf team uses the course for practice after school. We are also hosting a few home meets with the first one being next week on April 4th. I would recommend not playing during meet days from about 3:30-6:00 p.m. All the home golf meets are listed on the calendar.

Member Work Day currently set for April 26th. The Annual Meeting is set for Saturday, May 3rd. More information will be sent about these two events later on. We are in search of one new female board member, if you’re interested/willing please let me know.

Membership cards will be in next week. Tournament sign up sheets will be next week sometime as well.
